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Military Tip Book
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After Technical School
Graduation from Basic and Technical School
Life After Basic Training
"Any Soldier" Program Discontinued
Holiday Homestays
Donations of Goods
The American Red Cross, Part 2
The American Red Cross
Military Career Path Part 2
Your Military Career Path
Assignments, Part Two
Overseas and Stateside Assignments
The Office of the Inspector General, Part Two
The Office of the Inspector General
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Genealogy and Military History
Taxes on Retirement Benefits
The DEA: A Little-Known Dependent Education Benefit
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Don't Wait To Plan Your Military School Reunion
One Last PCS?
Women In Military History? What About the History You're Making Right Now?
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Want A Career as a Military Officer?
All The Small Things
"Alternative" Education: GI Bill Friendly!
Register Early or Be Prepared to Wait
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Locating a Soldier--With the Army's Help
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The Online Reunion
What IS A VA Home Loan?
The Adjustable Rate Loan
A One-Tine Deal
I Lost My DD214. What Can I Do?
Your Discharge May Affect Your Chances
Advantages to having a VA Guaranteed Loan
Get Pre-Approved
Basic Training--Dos and Don'ts
Military Days at the Ballpark
Military Benefit Associations
The VA Headstone Benefit
Is My VA Benefit Money Taxable?
VEAP-Who Is Eligible?
Locating Service Records for a Deceased Family Member

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Susan Sayour